One of my blog readers asked me to make a quilt for her. It will be a gift to her dear friend's first baby. It measured 40”x40 and made from 100% American Cotton. I personalized the quilt by putting the name of the little boy, in applique letters. In the center of the blocks, there is a boy and his toys and all the seams where quilted in the ditch. This one is completely hand appliquéd, machine pieced and handquilted. I really love went looking at the outcome! It got great colors and makes me very happy by just looking at it!
P/S-Maybe later she will post me a picture of the baby with this quilt.

eee... cantiknye. jeles la tengok Maz with the luxury of time nak buat semua nie.
ReplyDeletehi maz.. cantik n menyerlah nyer bb qult ni...
ReplyDeleteapplique letter tu maz free hand or ade template?
.... pah tak pernah try .... nanti bole la try
kak maz...cantiknye...wah boleh dapat ide dari kak maz next time fida nak buat baby quilt...boleh kan ciluk idea akak sikit..heheh. akak memang talendted and creative lah...
ReplyDeleteniena- Tq...hihihi Maz pun bukan banyak masa sangat pun....malam jer baru menjahit...siang bz ngan anak2.
ReplyDeletePah- applique letter tuu maz ambil dari magazine Aulad . Suka tenguk tulisan dalam majalah kanak2.
Fida- problem kalau nak idea dari k maz pun boleh :)
ReplyDeletecantik sangat k'maz bb quilt ni..pandai kak maz combine color.jelesnyaaaa..nak buat jugak la hehehe
ReplyDeletecantiknya..klu nk tempah bleh sis?
ReplyDeletebpa ye hrganya?
ReplyDeleteklu nk tempah bpa rm ye sis?
ReplyDeletecantik la kak maz.. akak mmg terror la bab pilih color nih.. help me.. saya nyer project, x tau nak pilih frame/border color.. nnti tgkkan ek.. tq..
ReplyDeletecantiknya..suke sangat..kalau nak tempah berapa ek akak?
ReplyDeleteAkmal - Tq. Buatla quilt nie seronok buat sebab kecil dan cepat siap...cepat dapat tenguk outcome dia :)
ReplyDeleteSery -Thanks for visiting my blog, boleh..kalau nak detail nanti tinggalkan email add.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous- thanks...tinggalkan email add nanti saya email the detail k.
ReplyDeletezila - boleh la sikit2....janji sedap mata memandang :). Nanti akak tolong tengukan zila nyer k.
ReplyDeletehi sis sy da tya hrga hr tu.. ni my email add
ReplyDeletesalam... hasil kerja tangan akak sgt menarik...
ReplyDeleteboleh emailkan saya details harga...
salam singgah...
ReplyDeletesaya betui2 teruja nengok bb quilt ni n bouble zipper wristlet pouch..saya laaa ni tgh pregnant first bb..insyAllah bulan 8 ner caranya saya nak order dr akak 2 2 benda ni...akak leh contact saya kat or blog saya (wat masa ni blog saya tutup sementara waktu :-) ..harap dpt balasan dr akak..salam
yatt- nanti akak email kan detail ok.
ReplyDeleteKalau nak order quilt tu berape eh?
ReplyDeleteKalau quilt besar size Single Bed punye berape?
saya berminat nak tempah quilt nak tahu harga dulu..bole tak akak email dekat saye di you.
ReplyDeletecute little quilt - I'm sure the baby and mommy will love it!
Salam kak..minat nak order..ada buat full set bedding x?le email